
carrie rollwagen smiles at the camera in a local shop
Introducing “Words with Carrie,” Your Guide to the Writing Life

Are you looking for ways to incorporate writing into your life? Have you played around with writing for awhile, but want to get serious? Or is writing something you’ve always dreamed of, and you’re ready to really begin? Hearing about the writing life from someone who’s been there might be just what you need —…

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camera illustration

In Search of Inspiration

My husband just opened a business, but instead of being burned out and uninspired, he’s actually become more creative. Before the…

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Buy-Local Bingo

There are lots of practical reasons to shop local for the holidays: You don’t have to pay shipping. You’re supporting your…

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Email with a purpose Let's Keep in Touch

Good news (and practical tips) for small businesses — we're not into being pushy or spammy.