
It’s Gilmore Girls Day, and Luke’s Diner Is Local to Birmingham

Any dedicated Gilmore Girls fan already knows that Netflix is set to release brand-new episodes of the series on November 25. But in case you haven’t already heard, they’re promoting them in a decidedly local way — by turning small local coffee shops around the country into de facto Luke’s Diner locations complete with Luke’s aprons, free cups of coffee, No Cell Phones signs and all the quirky locals you could ask for. (The merchandise comes from Netflix; the quirky locals just hang out at coffee shops all the time anyway.)


Three Birmingham, Alabama coffee shops are participating, so if you want to be a part (and I definitely do), swing by The Abbey, Lucy’s or Crestwood Coffee this morning and drink your weight in coffee just like Rory and Lorelai would.


In the Gilmore Girls, I found my people. People who talk as much as I do, read as much as I do, obsess about grades as much as I do, and drink copious amounts of coffee like I do. I also found kindred spirits who love local shops — they’re what give Stars Hollow its charm and its beloved (and sometimes bizarre) characters. If you can’t get by one of these shops this morning, there’s no need to fear — you might not always find Netflix geeks at these shops, but they’re all pretty fantastic places in their own right, and you’ll always find friendly baristas, big cups of coffee and tea, and a good dose of the comfort that comes from watching the series. It only takes a few visits to become a regular at a local store, and take it from me — or take it from the Gilmore girls — the connection and friendships you’ll get in return are definitely worth that investment.


Carrie Rollwagen is a Gilmore Girls fan, book reviewer for Southern Living and co-founder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter as @crollwagen.

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