Clockwise, from top right: “Moby Dick” iPad skin, “Always” iPhone case featuring Snape’s patronus from Harry Potter, “Hunger Games” iPad skin, “North Remembers” iPhone case featuring Game of Thrones.
My morning took a turn for the less productive after my friend (and television blogger/guru) Dave sent a link to Society6’s vast collection of iPhone and iPad cases that nod to all kinds of fandoms, from Star Wars to Dr. Who to Hello Kitty. I spent way too much time browsing and almost missed my book order deadline. (Don’t worry — I sent it at the last minute, so we’ll have books at the shop tomorrow.)
Of most interest to me, of course, were the book-related cases. Repping an author on the device you use to read books seems pretty appropriate, and I love having a new way to experience cover art. I’m already pretty devoted to my Book Book iPhone case, but luckily a lot of these designs are available in other formats (tshirts, hoodies, cards, prints) as well.
Click on over to Society6 to check out their other cases — there are tons of great ones I didn’t have room to picture here, including a shout-out to Hunter S. Thompson’s Gonzo Journalism featuring Gonzo the Muppet that warms my journalism-loving heart (I wrote my thesis on Thompson’s Hell’s Angels). I can’t speak to the quality of the cases, since I haven’t seen them up close, but the graphics are so fantastic I’d be willing to give them a shot.
Carrie Rollwagen is co-owner and book buyer at Church Street Coffee & Books.