Free Book Friday


Paper Doll Herman Melville  Wants to Give You Free Books!


Think getting books from a paper doll is weird? Well, Paper Doll Herman Melville thinks you’re weird! But, weird or not, you probably still want a free book. To win, just leave a comment here or on our Facebook page any time this weekend. We’ll draw and announce a winner on Monday and then we’ll get your book in the mail.


This week’s pick is Room by Emma Donoghue. We think Paper Doll Herman Melville picked it because it mostly occurs all in one room, and maybe this reminds him of being stuck on a ship? Anyway, we like it because it’s suspenseful, intriguing and well written. It’s a can’t-put-it-down book that you’ll really enjoy during the holiday season when you need a quick escape from the season’s pressures. (Hey, if you win, you could even give it as a gift!)


What’s that you say — you can’t wait for Monday, and you want a free book now? Fine — Paper Doll Herman Melville says click here for a free Kobo download of his great American classic, Moby Dick. Kobo books can be read on any open eReader, tablet or SmartPhone. Click the Kobo link on our site (top right of the page) to set up an account through PostScript and Church Street, download the free Kobo App, and start reading.


Click for your FREE Download!


* Paper Doll Herman Melville comes from the book Literary Greats Paper Dolls by Tim Foley — check availability at Church Street Coffee & Books by clicking the Order Books for Pickup button and sending your request.


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