Happy Birthday, PostScript!

By Carrie Rollwagen


Tonight, we celebrate the launch of PostScript with a launch party at the new Communicating Vessels space in Woodlawn (follow this link for more party information). I’m looking forward to the party … but what really excites me is the opportunity to jump into this new blog.


I hope PostScript will be a place you like to visit every day. We want to make you smile. Make a long day a little shorter. Give you ideas for what to read and learn about. Sure, we hope you find something to read — but mostly we just want you to enjoy yourself while you’re here.


So many people supported this project, but I want to thank two especially. Jenna Weber worked around the clock to make sure our site functions like it’s supposed to. When you click a link and it actually works, you have Jenna to thank. And Andrew Thomson added so much to the project with the design of our PostScript logo (it’s perfect, if you ask me) and with advice about the look and feel of the site.


We’re still ironing out the wrinkles of this site, so please be patient with us as we work through these issues. Until then, enjoy your reading — both on PostScript, and on the books you choose from us.

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