
I Want to Teach You My Social Media Secrets!

janalapicBecause social media is, well, social, it’s also individualized. Your Facebook page is going to look different than mine for obvious reasons (you probably don’t have as many selfies of my face on your page …  I hope). In business, it’s the same — my business’s Instagram is going to look different than the Starbucks Instagram, even though we both sell coffee, because our markets are different. Our customers are different. Our goals are different. The trouble is, many of the learning tools and conferences that teach social media focus on only one version of social media strategy — and that version isn’t necessarily the best for a small business (or for an individual trying to start a business). Because it’s immediate, responsive and often free, social media is such a great tool for growth for small businesses, freelancers, artists and craftspeople, and it’s frustrating to me to see so many people who don’t know how to effectively use it. I’ve learned a lot about social media in the past few years (at my own shop, of course, but also running social media for corporate businesses), and I want to be able to share that with other people. So I’m hosting a Saturday workshop on January 18 to do just that. A lot of learning social media is trial and error, and you’ll be able to skip all that — I’ll fill you in on what I’ve learned about business building, blogging and social media in just one session. The fee includes my social media insights, plus lunch and Church Street coffee. There are plenty of people in Birmingham already putting on fantastic sessions on social media, but mine will focus specifically on building a small business or freelance career, which I think require different strategies and have different indicators for success. Social media has been a huge part of building both Church Street Coffee & Books and my freelance writing career, and I want other small businesses to be able to reach their goals, too. Here’s a link to my registration page, which has all the time-and-place info — registering early will really help me to plan best, so, if you know you’re coming, I’d be thankful if you go ahead and sign up (that’ll guarantee your spot, too — I’m trying to keep this group pretty small and personalized). And I’d love it if you’d share about the session on your own social media if you know anyone who’d benefit from it (you’ll also be refunded 10% of your registration if you register someone else). If you’re struggling to get a handle on social media; if you feel like it could be doing more for your business; or if you’d just like an overview of best practices, I think the workshop would be a great fit. I hope to meet you and talk more in just a couple of Saturdays!

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