
Pop the Champagne! We Have a Release Date!

After a (very) long and stressful day dealing with print bleeds, last-minute edits and color matching yesterday, I’m happy to announce that The Localist book is at the printer — and is scheduled for November 29 release!

November 29 is Small Business Saturday, and that’s why we picked that day to take over Church Street Coffee & Books with a signing and celebration. We’ll meet at 10 a.m. — I’ll do a little talk about the book, and I’ll sign books for anyone who wants a personalized copy. Church Street is also having a Shop Small Saturday celebration with some fun prizes from American Express, so we’ll have a bunch of Shop Small canvas bags to give away, plus free buttons, pet kerchiefs (yes, really), and more. And American Express will give $10 from your Church Street purchase back to you as a refund on your statement. (They’ll match your $10 purchase at other independent stores on that day, too — up to $30.)

If you live in Birmingham and you’ve supported the Localist Kickstarter, you can come pick up your books, cozies and lettered print sets in person at the event (if you can’t make it, don’t worry — I’ll mail them out later that week).

Learn more about the book by exploring this site a little bit. You’ll find treats like our book cover (designed by Andrew Thomson) and even an excerpt from the book (click The Localist link at the top of this site). Jonathan Walls designed the website (and put up with my changing my mind about a thousand times), and I think he did a really fantastic job.

You can also keep up with Localist updates by signing up for our email list — I promise I won’t be spammy or annoying, and if you disagree it’s super-easy to unfollow at any time.

Thanks to everyone who helped make The Localist book happen — it’s almost a reality, and I can’t wait to celebrate with you!


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