Ode to a Bran Muffin


Post by Carrie


There’s lots to love about our pastry case. The Cherry Cream Scone has such a dedicated following there are hardly ever any left by 9 a.m. We sell at least three pieces of our Chocolate Souffle Cake just based on the heavenly scent that wafts out of the oven as it’s baking. And some of us (ahem, Jenna) have made it a personal mission to tell the world of the wonder that is the Chocolate Coco-Chip Cookie.



My favorite pastry isn’t flashy or chocolaty, but it makes me happy every morning —  it’s our Best-Ever Bran Muffin. It’s everything a muffin should be, and everything bran usually isn’t: delicious, moist, addictive. But, unlike many bran muffins, ours is actually healthy.


Sadly, it’s more common than you’d think for companies to toss a bit of bran into any old muffin mix and trick customers into thinking they’re buying something healthy. Peek at the recipe of many of these muffins and you’ll see hydrogenated oils, white flour and sugar — lots of sugar. That’s the biggest problem for me, because I’m extremely sensitive to cane sugar and avoid it whenever possible.


Our bran muffin is sweetened with honey and molasses, not with white sugar. Even better, it’s made with all whole grains. It’s packed with anti-oxidant rich whole blueberries. And it gets its moisture from canola oil, not from a huge helping of butter. What does this mean for you? Whole grains, good fats and natural sugars mean the muffin you have for breakfast will actually keep you going throughout the morning. This is good, natural stuff that takes your body awhile to break down, meaning it’s still working for you hours after you eat it. And that’s just the morning — the long-term benefits you get from bran and whole grains are pretty well-documented.


All this wouldn’t matter much if the muffin didn’t taste good. But you know what? If it wasn’t delicious, Heather, the mastermind behind our menu, wouldn’t let it into our pastry case. She’s passionate about food, and while she wants her recipes to be good for you, it’s most important that they’re just plain good.


So next time you have a big meeting, a long morning class or even a Saturday morning walk ahead of you, stop by to pick up a Best-Ever Bran Muffin. I promise, you’ll be glad you did.

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