Being Your Client’s BFF with Steph Whitaker of Engaged Wedding Library

steph whitaker headshot

This week we’re joined by Steph Whitaker, owner and creator of Engaged Wedding Library. Steph knew from personal experience how overwhelming wedding planning can be and set out to make it easier for other brides. Steph and Carrie get into how Engaged works, how Steph came up with this model, and how it has evolved over the years. Steph describes how they’ve fared the last year and a half, how she avoids burnout for herself and her team, and what you can expect working with Engaged. Full show notes at

Mentioned in this episode: 

Engaged Wedding Library 

Engaged Wedding Library on Instagram

Diamonds Direct 

Perfect Wedding Guide Magazine

The Bridal Bar 

Meghan Gray Photography

Carrie’s Wedding blog 

The story of the food at Carrie’s Wedding (& the story of the pretzels!)

Engaged Collective Bridal Event 

Taco Mama

@ThinkLocalist on Instagram   

Buy Us a Coffee! 

About Carrie

Carrie Rollwagen is host of the Localist podcast and cofounder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Currently, she works as Vice President of Strategic Planning at Infomedia, a web development company in Birmingham, Alabama. Find the Localist at @thinklocalist on Instagram and follow Carrie at @crollwagen.

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