The Business of Running a Coffee Shop

This week, we turn the tables — our host, Carrie Rollwagen, becomes the guest this week as she answers listener questions about running a coffee shop. Alana Harmond interviews Carrie about her time opening and co-managing Church Street Coffee & Books in Mountain Brook. The two discuss how to build a menu, how to make money running a coffee shop — they even get into the saga of the famous Breakup Cookie.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about the coffee guide

Church Street Coffee & Books

Breakup Cookie

Localist interview with Filter

Localist interview with Domestique

Localist interview with June Coffee

Localist mini episode with June Coffee

Simon Sinek Golden Circle

About Carrie

Carrie Rollwagen is host of the Localist podcast and cofounder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Currently, she works as Vice President of Strategic Planning at Infomedia, a web development company in Birmingham, Alabama. Find the Localist at @thinklocalist on Instagram and follow Carrie at @crollwagen.

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