Javacia Harris Bowser of See Jane Write joins Carrie on this week’s episode of The Localist. See Jane Write is a community for writers that offers support, advice, guidance, and so much more to its members. Javacia and Carrie start the conversation with what Javacia’s days look like now that she’s running See Jane Write full time, how she tackles her writing projects, and how she plans her week with Sunday Slay (we can’t think of a smarter way to start the week, honestly). Javacia tells us how she decided to take the leap and quit teaching after 10 years to run See Jane Write, and why she wanted to start SJW in the first place. Javacia and Carrie then dive into the details of SJW: the membership piece, the logistics of the business, and the importance of having trusted advisors to avoid (or fix!) costly mistakes. Javacia tells us how she got started with events, how she went about getting those set up, and her goal of doing more events in 2020. Javacia and Carrie wrap up the conversation talking about the hustle of entrepreneurship, work/life balance (spoiler — it’s a myth!), and Javacia’s best tips for anyone who wants to start writing.
Mentioned in this episode:
Javacia Harris Bowser on Instagram