Learn to Focus and Deal with Disruptions

In the fourth episode of our goal setting series, we’re diving into how to handle the inevitable interruptions that come up and derail us from our goals. Carrie starts off with how to find your focus groove in the first place, and how to identify if and when you’ll allow interruptions. Believe it or not, rest is actually really important when it comes to getting focused again; Carrie breaks down how to know if you’re getting distracted or if you really just need a break. Full show notes at LocalistPodcast.com. 

To get Carrie’s list of best books for goal setting, sign up here! (Want books that are better for relaxing and reflecting? Fill out Carrie’s Contact Form and put “2022 Books” in the message field, or send Carrie your email address through a DM on Instagram.)

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Mentioned in this episode: 

@CRollwagen on Instagram

Spotify Playlist of Goal Setting Localist Podcasts 

Bose Noise Cancelliing Headphones

Deep Focus Spotify playlist 

Music for Concentration Spotify playlist 

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close soundtrack 

Localist Podcast Episode on Time Blocking 

The Next Right Thing Podcast on Manager Time vs Maker Time 


Pomodoro Technique 

The Next Right Thing Podcast 

Domestique Coffee 

Saturn Birmingham

The 12 Week Year

Kameron Monet’s Second Episode on the Localist Podcast 

Kameron Monet’s First Episode on the Localist Podcast 

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

WW – Weight Watchers 

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