Localist Live: Localist Listeners Share Favorite Birmingham Shops

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On this week’s episode, The Localist goes live! Well, we went live at the the Localist Launch Party hosted at Dreamer’s Supply Company (be sure to listen to Kaitlin and Alan’s episode!). To celebrate the official launch of the podcast, Carrie’s dad, Mike Rollwagen, interviewed a few volunteers at the party about a whole host of localist topics! We hear from Stephanie first about the best ways to discover new music; Sara Margaret tells us about the magic of goat cheese and eating local; Andrew persuades us to try out Trattoria Zaza (as if we really needed convincing); Mary Katherine gives some local love to Zoe’s Vintage; and Clay serves up some sizzling local coffee recs.   

Mike keeps the fire interviews going and addresses a sticky topic: paying a little more at locally-owned businesses. Stephanie, Mary Katherine, and Sara Margaret all agree that paying a little more is completely worth it because you know where your money is going and you support your community. If that’s not a win-win, we don’t know what is!  

When you support your community, your community supports you in return and few have experienced that more than local author and Birmingham advocate, Carla Jean Whitley. Carla Jean has partnered with several local bookstores for the releases of her books. Pedro rounds out the conversation with the local music scene and partnering with local organizations to showcase Birmingham’s growing talent. Andrew winds up the conversation really hits home a major point: You can’t fake the reality local businesses have in a community. 

A huge thanks to everyone who supported the launch party and our raffle sponsors:

Greenhouse, Piper & Leaf, Shoppe, Ember & Onyx, Chocolata, Great Bear Wax and of course, our amazing hosts, Dreamers Supply.

Mentioned in this episode: 

We Three Beeks honey

Seasick Records

Newman’s Classic Cuts

Chez Lulu   

Continental Bakery

A Studio

Trattoria Zaza

Zoes Vintage

Seeds coffee

Innova Coffee

Sheppard’s Pet Supply 

Church Street Coffee & Books

Ink-Stained Life: Carla Jean Whitley

Carla Jean’s books  

Little Professor Books

Alabama Booksmith

Music Bham 


Avondale Brewing 

Jonathan Benton Booksellers

About Carrie

Carrie Rollwagen is host of the Localist podcast and cofounder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Currently, she works as Vice President of Strategic Planning at Infomedia, a web development company in Birmingham, Alabama. Find the Localist at @thinklocalist on Instagram and follow Carrie at @crollwagen.

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