This week on The Localist, Carrie is diving into resolutions. Everyone has had their fair share of resolutions that didn’t stick, but Carrie shares ideas for business resolutions that are approachable, not overwhelming. As a former business owner and current entrepreneur, Carrie has tested out these tips, including building an email list, honing her brand, and asking for help. Carrie also offers excellent resources that have helped her on her entrepreneurial journey, and she has ideas for podcast-lovers as well as bookworms. Carrie wraps up with the idea of less is more, touching on what you can cut back and the idea that quitting isn’t always a bad thing.
Mentioned in this episode:
Localist Book Kickstarter Campaign
Javacia Harris Bowser on The Localist
One Quick Question with Infomedia
Building a StoryBrand Podcast episode with Rory Vaden
Church Street Coffee and Books
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller
Carrie’s blog post about quitting as a resolution