On this special Thanksgiving Day episode of The Localist, Carrie goes solo and dishes out (see what we did there 😉 ) some great Black Friday / Small Business Saturday / Cyber Monday / Opt Outside tips that any local business could put into practice. While it might be too late to host an event, there are other ways to get mileage out of the shopping holidays, and setting yourself up for success this holiday season is always a good idea. Carrie spills the tea on her true feelings about Black Friday, but serves up easy and practical tips for how to handle everything in-store from figuring out what to put on sale, how to strategically decorate, and how to train your staff for the holiday season. Carrie delves into the beast that is social media and covers everything from hashtagging to highlighting gift ideas to telling the story behind your business. Don’t have a brick-and-mortar location? Carrie wraps up with strategies for how makers who sell at pop ups and online stores can get in on this money-spending weekend, too!
Shop Small Saturday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday: Is It Too Late to Make Them Work for Your Business?