Should Nonprofits Follow the For-Profit Model? With Elisa Munoz

Elisa Munoz, Executive Director of New Orleans Food Policy Action Council, is on the podcast this week to dive into the world of nonprofits! Elisa has been working in the nonprofit space for over a decade and breaks down the difference in nonprofit organizations versus for profit businesses, including misconceptions, funding, and the nonprofit industrial complex. Elisa and Carrie then get into what you should consider if you don’t know whether to start a nonprofit or a for profit business. Full show notes at  

Mentioned in this episode: 

New Orleans Food Policy Action Council 

Kellogg Fellowship


What is a foundation?

Ford Foundation

United Way 

The Investment vs Granting Gap in Philanthropy 

Bici Coop

B Corporations


@ThinkLocalist on Instagram 

About Carrie

Carrie Rollwagen is host of the Localist podcast and cofounder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Currently, she works as Vice President of Strategic Planning at Infomedia, a web development company in Birmingham, Alabama. Find the Localist at @thinklocalist on Instagram and follow Carrie at @crollwagen.

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