Why I Hate Self-Publishing: Hi, I’m Carrie Rollwagen

everybody hates self publishing logo

In this podcast, I talk about my book, The Localist. Find more about it here:

You can also find me on social media. I’m @crollwagen on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat and LinkedIn. Please let me know what you think about the podcast — I’d love to incorporate your feedback and ideas. My theme music is from Tyler Ambrosius — check out his beat store here!

About Carrie

Carrie Rollwagen is host of the Localist podcast and cofounder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Currently, she works as Vice President of Strategic Planning at Infomedia, a web development company in Birmingham, Alabama. Find the Localist at @thinklocalist on Instagram and follow Carrie at @crollwagen.

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