Courtenay Rollwagen, the stylist and designer behind AnthroStyle Interiors (and Carrie’s sister!), joins Carrie on The Localist this week. Courtenay and Carrie dive in with the reasons a small business owner would benefit from hiring an interior designer even if they have a small budget, and Courtenay tells what differentiates a decorator from an interior designer. Courtenay tells us the dos and don’ts of using Pinterest for designing your space, and what kind of pricing to expect when working with an interior designer. Courtenay and Carrie discuss practical design tips for small businesses to consider both COVID-related and in general, and Courtenay coins a new term for commercial seating and tells us how she really feels about reclaimed wood. Courtenay and Carrie wrap up with best practices for vetting and working with your interior designer, a lightning round of design elements certain businesses should focus on, and the customized services Courtenay offers.
Mentioned in this episode:
AnthroStyle Interiors on Instagram
Church Street Coffee and Books
Zebbie Carney on The Localist (shower curtain dividers)
Brian Teasley’s episode on The Localist (flooring showing through)
Morgan from Mae Studio on The Localist podcast (hair salon)