Sale! Introducing 4 for 40!

Imagine you’re a glossy new hardcover. You’re well written, compelling, popular. You’re the apple of Publisher’s Weekly’s eye. Everyone picks you up, and a few even take you home. But then, after about a year, comes that moment in every book’s life — let’s call it biblio-adolescence — when a hardcover comes out in paperback. Suddenly, the hardcover that everyone had to have last week sits lonely on the shelf as its newer, fresher, (cheaper) paperback version gets everyone’s attention.


To prevent these awkward literary moments of hardcover discrimination, we’re introducing FOUR for FORTY — four titles that we’ll handpick to sell for 40% off for one week only. We’re hoping this will become a weekly sale, so you’ll have a new set to choose from every week.


In order to keep up with our snappy name, we’ll be adding some books that don’t fall into the hardcover category. For example, the Frank biography in this week’s set was damaged by the publisher but still readable, so we threw that one into the mix. And Dead Reckoning isn’t out in paper yet, but we added that one just for kicks. Here’s the week’s list:


Last Call (hardcover): normally $30, now $19.62

Discovery of Witches (hardcover): normally $28.95, now $18.93

Frank (paperback/damaged): normally $18.95, now $12.39

Dead Reckoning, newest Sookie Stackhouse novel (hardcover): normally $27.95, now $18.28


As they say, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch, or a 40%-off hardcover without strings attached.” Okay, no one says that. But here’s the fine print anyway: After today, we’ll only be announcing 4-for-40 on Facebook and Twitter, so be sure to “like” us at and follow us @81churchstreet to see each week’s sale. To reserve a book, just claim it by commenting on the Facebook post, then pick your copy up at the shop!

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