
Catch a Localist Update on ABC 33/40 This Morning

Why did I get up last night to cut a hole in a cardboard box and tape sparkly pipe cleaners to the outside as an antenna? Well, it’s partly because I have spare cardboard boxes (due to lots of Localist book deliveries) and because I always welcome a chance to dip into my pipe cleaner collection. But mostly it’s because I’ll be on TV today — real TV, not the cardboard kind.


Tune in to Talk of Alabama on ABC 33/40 starting at 9 a.m. to catch an update of how the Localist book tour is going so far, and also to see if I embarrass myself on television. Fun! If you’re outside the viewing area, here’s the place to catch previous ABC 33/40 segments — mine is up now, or just watch it below:


ABC 33/40 – Birmingham News, Weather, Sports


Carrie Rollwagen is author of The Localist: Think Independent, Buy Local and Reclaim the American Dream, creator of 30 Days of Local Praise and co-founder of Church Street Coffee & Books. Find her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @crollwagen.

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