It’s a typical Alabama autumn, cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon. That means we’re still making tons of iced coffee and Church Street Frosts (and giving away free cups of water to parched runners like there’s no tomorrow). But we know chilly weather is just around the corner, bringing with it mochas, hot chocolates, steaming cups of Primavera and mugs of tea.
So, this week at Church Street, we’re celebrating the end of summer and welcoming fall. Here’s what’s going on …
This week marks the return of Sumatra, a favorite coffee that we haven’t had for awhile because the beans weren’t up to the high Primavera standard. Now that Bret’s got his hands on got a crop of better beans and roasted them to perfection, we’re loving this coffee, full-bodied with a touch of caramel. Yum!
Beginning the end of this week, we’re introducing Moleskine journals to our inventory. Carrie’s been a fan of these journals for years, and they have a dedicated following. As one of our favorite fictional characters would say, they’re “practically perfect in every way.” And Sri has taken on the challenge of selling FORTY of these journals in a week. (No one even issued this challenge, he just liked the journals so much that he took it upon himself … that’s our Sri.) Stop by the shop and pick one up for yourself to help him meet his goal, and to capture all your important autumn-inspired musings.
Been thinking about getting a Customer Card? This is the perfect week to take the splunge, since we’re offering a free cup of brewed coffee when you add $10 to a gift card. Customer Cards are a great way to pay every day at Church Street, and they also make very good gifts.
Another change you’ve probably noticed is that we’re finally updating our website again! We plan on doing this a lot more often. In addition to letting you know what’s going on at the shop, we’ll be hearing from Carrie about what books she’s reading and from Sri about the in’s and out’s of coffee, starting with a little series on myth busting.
Until then, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see what we’re up to, and we’ll see you this week in the shop!