Glaux screenprint and design by Jeremy Markham
Jeremy Markham‘s work always stands out. He’s a little bit obsessed with robots and machines (in addition to being an artist and barista, he has a job fixing typewriters), and he has a beautiful way with color. After seeing his work displayed at Forest Perk (and owning a few pieces ourselves, including this robot-made-of-audio-cassette-tapes), we asked him if he could come up with a piece inspired by books.
Boy, did he come through. This wise old owl is made of books, and he’s sitting on a library background. You can’t see all the beautiful detail in our super-special high-res scan (er … crappy iPhone picture), but it looks gorgeous. The lines are crisp, and the gold background is actually metallic and seems to glow when light hits it. The print itself has a deckle edge, so it looks just as good on top of a matte as it does framed out.
Think this print might make a perfect addition to your library? So do we! Comment on this post and let us know why you like this print or where you’ll hang it, and you just might win. Not feeling lucky? Go by Forest Perk and buy one from Jeremy himself!